Print date: 29-03-2025. Product: Float sink seperator UDZ

Float sink seperator UDZ

The ‘Van Dijke’ patented UDZ Float-sink separators are designed for separating plastics with each other and / or separation of plastics and interfering substances. The unit is build up from stainless steel or galvanized/powdercoated steel.

How does the float sink seperator work?

The unit is equipped with augers or a propulsion drive and two conveyer belts. The unseparated product will be brougth in the machine at the middle of the unit. Heavy material will sink to the bottom, where the augers transport them to the heavy product out-feed conveyor. The lighter material will go by the water-flow, which is caused by the augers or propulsion drive, to the product lighter material out-feed conveyer. This machines will perfectly fit into a separation line.

Applications of the float sink seperator:
  • Plastic/Steel recycling
  • PP/PE recycling
  • PS/ABS recycling
  • WEEE recycling
  • PET recycling


  • Float sink seperator UDZ
  • Float sink seperator UDZ
  • Float sink seperator UDZ
  • Float sink seperator UDZ
  • Float sink seperator UDZ

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